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Manitoulin Secondary School offers a variety of programs to meet the needs of individual students.

The Specialist High Skills Major in Arts and Culture or Agriculture Focus

Provides opportunities for students to gain sector certifications. Part of the curriculum focus will provide co-operative education programs helping students acquire essential knowledge and skills for direct entry into Arts and Culture or Agriculture related programs at University and College or related Apprenticeships. A Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) allows students to customize their education to fit their career interests.

  • Plan now for credits offered in Grade 11 and 12
  • Get your certification/training
  • Gain work experience and co-op
  • Receive a special diploma seal when you graduate

The Essentials Work Skills Program

A four-year program providing instruction for the student who has difficulties meeting the demands of the regular secondary school program. Programming is offered at the Essentials / Workplace levels. Students receive an Ontario Secondary School Diploma upon completion of year four. Students may choose destination opportunities in the Workplace, College assistance programs or in an Apprenticeship.

Special Education

Manitoulin Secondary School provides for the needs of exceptional students through a range of programs and services. Special Education programming in each school is supported by the Board’s Special Education/Student Services Department.

Experiential Learning

Co-operative Education, Job Shadowing, and Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program opportunities allow students to explore possible career paths while learning valuable employment skills and fostering connections between the classroom and the world of work.