Duties of Pupils
The following requirement for pupils is taken directly from Ontario Regulation 298 5.23 (1) A pupil shall:
- be diligent in attempting to master such studies as are part of the program in which the pupil is enrolled;
- exercise self-discipline;
- accept such disciplineas wouldbeexercised by a kind, firm and judiciousparent;
- attend classes punctually and regularly;
- be courteous to fellowpupils and obedient and courteous to a teacher;
- be clean in person and habits;
- take such tests and examinations as are required by orunder the Act oras may be directed by the Minister;
- show respect for school property.
Students, staff, parents, trustees, and members of the Manitoulin Secondary School community have developed the Students’ Rights and Responsibilities document to reinforce appropriate conduct which will serve you well in school and for life. We are committed to providing our students with the best education possible. We know you will take pride in helping us to maintain this commitment. Students have the responsibilities of certain expected behaviour as outlined in the following Code of Conduct and Guidelines.