Post-Secondary Information
Post-Secondary Information
Developing your plan for Post-Secondary (after high school) options can be confusing in the modern world where the options are unlimited. For help in finding a career or for more information on prerequisites for post-secondary programs we recommend speaking with a guidance counselor, or checking the career links on our links page.
The Guidance Office contains the most recent information available on all colleges and universities in Ontario. During the year, field trips are arranged to our local Community College and University to enable senior students to investigate post-secondary opportunities. Throughout the year seminars are conducted by representatives from Colleges and Universities to assist students in making post-secondary choices.
Vocational Interest Tests are available for students at a modest cost. These tests help to identify one’s interest and provide a good indicator of future career possibilities.
Information is also available about scholarships.
All students are encouraged to seek assistance when needed. Parents may arrange an interview by contacting the Guidance Office between 8:30am and 3:30pm.